The Renaissance
Annotated's purpose is to produce free annotated and critical editions of the best works ever written. These include both those in the canon as well as lesser-known (though equally valuable) works. This is an ongoing and lifelong project, so we appreciate your support in helping us realize this goal. We rely entirely on the support of generous donors and volunteers to produce our editions, so please consider contributing to our mission in any way you can.
Below are the titles of Renaissance texts that Annotated has produced editions on or is in the process of editing, along with suggested resources for each of those texts. We prioritize the production of our editions according to the texts most commonly used in middle school, high school, and college classrooms as well as those for which we receive sponsorship and frequent requests.
If there is not currently an edition available here for the text you seek (either listed or not listed), please use this form to request it and we will prioritize it accordingly. If you are a scholar and wish to contribute to an edition of a Renaissance text, please use the same form. If you are interested in sponsoring an edition for immediate production, please contact us at annotatedlibrary@gmail.org. Thank you for supporting our mission to make knowledge free!
Featured Edition
The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck
Alighieri, Dante (1265-1321).
The Divine Comedy (~1308-1320) by Dante Alighieri
Petrarch, Francesco (1304-1374). Selected Writings
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313-1375). The Decameron (1353)
Anonymous. The Mabinogion (14th century)
Anonymous. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (14th Cent.)
Chaucer, Geoffrey (~1340-1400).
The Canterbury Tales (~1387-1400) by Geoffrey Chaucer
de Pizan, Christine (1364-1430). The City of Ladies (1405)
Kempe, Margery (1373-1438). Selected Writings
van Eyck, Jan (1395-1441). The Arnolfini Portrait (1434)
Annotated™ Edition: The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck
Every Picture Tells a Story: The Arnolfini Marriage (Doc)
Northern Renaissance: The Supreme Art (BBC Doc)
The Annunciation: Private Life of a Masterpiece (BBC)
Erasmus, Desiderus (~1466-1536). Selected Writings
Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527). Selected Writings
More, Thomas (1478-1535). Utopia (1516)
Castiglione, Baldesar (1478-1529).
The Book of the Courtier (1528) by Baldesar Castiglione
de Navarre, Marguerite (1492-1549). Heptaméron (1558)
Rabelais, Francois (~1494-1553). Selected Writings
de Montaigne, Michel (1533-1592). Selected Writings
Greene, Robert (1558-1592).
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (~1589) by Robert Greene
Lyly, John (~1553-1606). Endymion (~1588)
Dekker, Thomas (~1572-1632).
The Shoemaker's Holiday (1599) by Thomas Dekker
Kyd, Thomas (1558-1594). The Spanish Tragedy (~1587)
Anonymous, Arden of Faversham (1592)
Bacon, Francis (1561-1626). Selected Writings
Marlowe, Christopher (1564-1593).
Tamburlaine, Parts I/II (~1587) by Christopher Marlowe
The Jew of Malta (~1589) by Christopher Marlowe
Doctor Faustus (~1589) by Christopher Marlowe
Edward II (~1592) by Christopher Marlowe
Selected Poetry by Christopher Marlowe
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616).
Henry VI, Parts I, II, III (~1591) by William Shakespeare
Richard III (~1593) by William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream (~1595) by Shakespeare
King John (~1595) by William Shakespeare
Richard II (~1595) by William Shakespeare
Henry IV, Parts I/II (~1596) by William Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice (~1596) by William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet (1597) by William Shakespeare
Much Ado About Nothing (~1598) by William Shakespeare
Henry V (~1599) by William Shakespeare
Julius Caesar (~1599) by William Shakespeare
Hamlet (~1600) by William Shakespeare
Twelfth Night (~1601) by William Shakespeare
Othello (1603) by William Shakespeare
King Lear (~1605) by William Shakespeare
Macbeth (1606) by William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra (1607) by William Shakespeare
Sonnets (1609) by William Shakespeare
The Tempest (~1610) by William Shakespeare
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